Concept ARD provides professional services in the commercial interior design.
The company was founded in 2010.
We are highly experienced in the design of offices, cafes, restaurants, hotels, retail, etc.
Concept ARD is a member of SRO GradStroyProekt (Association of urban planning and design).
The list of services provided by our company:
- consultation in the selection of the premises, including test fit;
- development of design documentation, including:
- planning concept,
- visualizations,
- design project,
- detailed drawings,
- supervision of construction.
- consultancy services and preparation of technical specifications for tenders for building materials supply and tenders for general contractor selection;
Our competitive advantages include:
- experienced and creative team of professional architects and designers;
- high-quality design, attention to details;
- excellent knowledge of the finishing materials market;
- experience with most of the leading general contractors;
- confidentiality, according to the customer's needs;
- competitive cost of services;
- precise deadlines compliance.